Longmada released The newest H1 bullet cbd oil vape cartridge today!
Adjustable Top air intake holes, bullet shape design.
Giving you an extraordinary mouthfeeling.
Using the improved ceramic wickless cell,no sulfur taste.
Anti-leak design, non-burnt vapor. -- From Junior to Senior, from wick to
wickless. You deserve the best
Why ceramic wickless cell performs better in vaping cbd oils?
1. Embedding the heating coil 360° with the 316 stainless steel coil housed inside the core of Longmada ceramic cell ensures the atomizer is uniformly heated.
2. Oils are heated more evenly and quickly.
3. No burning taste.
4. Produces consistent fat clouds.
5. Heating sound smaller and no explosion of oil, air flow sounds smaller
Ceramic Wickless Cell 1.2ohm
4 * Oil holes, Diameter 1.2 mm
0.5ml $ 1.0ml capacity available.
Customized logo on glass and package is supported.
User tips:
1. Anti-clockwise the mouthpiece
2. Use a syringe to refill the cbd atomizer. Do not fill oil into the
middle air valve hole.
3. Do not inject the glass tank to 100% full, Oil would expand when
it’s heated. 80% full is good.
4. Put the mouthpiece back and screw it tight.
Welcome to visit www.longmada.com for more information.
Since 2010 we have been manufacturing vaping accessories,keeping up with market trends, never fall behind.
Welcome to try samples and email back to me at
Thanks & Best regards,
Longmada Technology Company Limited
Address: Block2, Xiayousong Industrial Park Longhua District,Shenzhen,China
TEL: +86-755-2953 1516
FAX: +86-755-8148 2177
EMAIL: angel@longmada.com
Web.: www.longmada.com
Which more and more are being conducted in the areas where marijuana is legal medically and/or recreationally. Which is enough about that and brings us to our next point and explains the topic of this article in a bit more depth: cbd benefits